Superintendent of Waitsburg School District Applications:
Applications for the position of Superintendent of Waitsburg School District are now being accepted by Northwest Leadership Associates. Learn more about Waitsburg schools and the role of superintendent on the Northwest Leadership Associates website here.
A brochure with full application details is also available at this link.
Applications received by February 21, 2025 will receive first consideration. The District reserves the right to accept applications until a superintendent is selected.
A completed applications packet should include the following:
A formal letter of application
A completed Waitsburg application form (request from Dr. Bill Jordan)
A current resume
Three to five letters of recommendation from current position and recent positions.
A written statement explaining how you plan to address each of the growth opportunities n
oted in the vacancy announcement.
Send an electronic copy of all application materials to:
Bill Jordan, Consultant: wci.wwpi@gmail.com
Tom Rockefeller, Consultant/COO: rockefellertom@gmail.com
Dennis Ray, CEO: dennisray@superintendentsearch.com
Waitsburg School District has the following openings for the 2024-2025 school year:
Waitsburg School District has a Part-time Student Transportation Route Driver (3 hrs./day) position to begin in January 2025. For more information, please contact Transportation Supervisor, Pam Alexenko at 509-337-6301 EXT. 3400 or email palexenko@waitsburgsd.org.
Reporting directly to the Special Education Teacher, the Special Education Paraeducator is responsible for supporting and assisting students with disabilities in various school settings. The Special Education Paraeducator, consistent with the individual education plan (IEP) or individual family service plan (IFSP) assists the Special Education Teacher with lesson plan preparation; one-on-one and small group instruction; classroom management; student observation and assessment; and communication with parents and staff.
Waitsburg School District has immediate openings for substitute teachers, office staff, classroom para-educators, custodians, school bus drivers, and food service assistants. If you would like to find out more information about subbing in our district, please contact the District Office at 509-337-6301.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received. The salary range for the positions is $49,924 - $92,636 depending on education and experience. Medical, vision, dental, and retirement benefits are available. Interested applicants must submit a District certificated application, a letter of interest, a resume, and a minimum of three letters of recommendation to Waitsburg School District, Attn: Hannah Peterson, P.O. Box 217, Waitsburg, WA 99361.
Applicants must possess and maintain required certificates with appropriate endorsements if applying for certificated positions. Application materials are available to the left of this page or by calling the District Office at (509) 337-6301.
Positions open until filled.
Waitsburg School District is an E.O.E.
For all extra-curricular positions, please direct questions and inquiries to Brittany Zuger, WSD Athletic Director at 509-337-6351 EXT. 3208 or E-mail: bzuger@waitsburgsd.org.
Coaching positions are open until filled.
High School Head Softball Coach
High School Assistant Volleyball Coach
Waitsburg School District is an E.O.E.
Application procedures for Certificated and Classified:
A letter of interest in the position
A completed district application form (see link to the left)
A resume
Three letters of reference
A placement file including transcripts (Certificated only)
Application procedures for Extra-Curricular Activity Positions
A letter of interest in the position
A completed coaching application form (see link to the left)
Contact Hannah Peterson (hcole@waitsburgsd.org) to receive a hard copy of the application form.
Waitsburg School District #401-100 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, P.O. Box 217, Waitsburg, WA 99361, 509-337-6301.
Dr. Carol Clarke, Compliance Officer